Helping families make the most of personality differences.
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What is Personality Type?
Learn Your Child's Type View Learn Your Child's Type Submenu Items
Learn Your Type View Learn Your Type Submenu Items
Resources for Parents
Type Tips from the Experts
Why Become Certified?
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MMTIC® Assessment View MMTIC<sup>®</sup> Assessment Submenu Items
Resources View Resources Submenu Items

MMTIC® Community

Join the People Stripes conversation and become part of the MMTIC® community! Follow these channels and you will discover informative videos, social media sharing, and group discussions about personality type in school and at home.

Personality Type for Kids YouTube channel: See all the video resources that demonstrate best practices for using the MMTIC assessment with young people.

Click to visit the People Stripes Facebook pagePeople Stripes Facebook page: Share your stories and learn from others who use the MMTIC assessment.

Click to visit the Type for Kids Twitter feedType for Kids Twitter feed: Short bits on bringing personality type into the lives of young people.

Click to visit the People Stripes MMTIC LinkedInPeople Stripes MMTIC® on LinkedIn: Ask questions and share best practices with this new community of MMTIC users.