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The Chemistry of Personality

A Guide to Teacher-Student Interaction in the Classroom
 Elizabeth Murphy
MMTIC® Facilitator Interface
Single Item
Product: 60169


Every student learns differently. The Chemistry of Personality is every teacher's invaluable guide to a powerful and simple method of understanding such diversity, exploring a positive approach to personality differences with their students, and using effective teaching methods that reach and engage every young mind.

Based on years of research on psychological type (the underlying structure for the world's most widely used personality assessment, the Myers-Briggs Type Indicator® instrument), this guide for teachers provides a detailed blueprint for incorporating type into classroom instruction and the learning process.

Teachers will find The Chemistry of Personality will help them:

  • Learn the simple but powerful four key dimensions of type-based learning.
  • Understand the different ways each student takes in and processes information in words that have meaning to them.
  • Teach tolerance and better understanding of the impact of personality diversity.
  • Understand their teaching style and its impact on students.

53 pages Paperback
2008 CAPT
ISBN 13 978-0-935652-82-6