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Discovering Type with Teens

A comprehensive leader's guide with materials for presenting psychological type to young people.
 Mollie AllenClaire HaymanKay Abella
People Types & Tiger Stripes
Single Item
Product: 50018


It’s not easy being a teen. Looking back on those days we often say, "If only I knew then what I know now." That statement resonates even more when we think about all the insights gained from our knowledge of personality type. In this era of constant connectedness, but less actual human contact, personality type can help teens find real connections to their peers and to themselves.

In Discovering Type with Teens education and type experts Mollie Allen, Claire Hayman, and Kay Abella create a primer for bringing personality type into the lives of the teenagers you work with. Practical and instantly applicable, this book gives you proven tools to let kids know they are just fine the way they are.

The book starts with useful background information—why type is helpful to teens and what issues to consider when using type with this group. A comprehensive step-by-step program helps you introduce psychological type to teens, and includes great tips for adjusting your pace and keeping the attention of this challenging audience.

A treasure chest of valuable materials comes along in the included CD-Rom, which contains type tables, handouts, and feedback strategies to make mounting a successful educational program easier and more effective.

Anyone facilitating a group will benefit from this well constructed guide book. Revealing the power of type to teenagers helps them learn to listen to their own voices, even as everyone else is telling them what to do.

"What a great resource for those who want to introduce type to teens! Professional, attractive, and engaging handouts and visuals are supported with a complete guide for conducting lively workshop sessions. This is a resource kit for those who already have a solid grasp of psychological type and want resources and guidance from experts who know how to make the ideas click with teens. Highly recommended."

—Gordon Lawrence, author of People Types & Tiger Stripes


"I observed a workshop that used the ideas presented in this book. It was a resounding success: the students were engaged, energized, and immediately started to talk 'type' with each other. The peak moment was when one student read aloud the description of his opposite. 'I don’t see how anybody could be like that and live!' he said with a tone of righteousness. When I pointed out that the other person might well feel the same about him, I saw his face sheepishly change: he got it."

—Gail K. Ellison, PhD, Project Director,


Resources CD-ROM Included
192 pages Paperback
2010 CAPT
ISBN 13 978-0-935652-89-5